Advocating For Victims Of Surgical Errors
Any type of surgery has risks stemming from naturally occurring complications. No one can guarantee a favorable outcome because some patients simply do not tolerate surgery as well as others. However, even the most competent surgeons and the care providers who assist them make mistakes.
Surgical personnel, being human, are subject to distraction from outside pressures, and others may engage in unprofessional conduct. When the performance of surgical personnel falls below the acceptable standard of care and that subpar performance causes injury, the injured patient must be compensated. For more than 30 years, Dillon Findley & Simonian, P.C., has helped patients who have been harmed by negligent providers of surgical services.
Recognizing Surgical Errors As The Source Of Harm
Discovering surgical error and proving a causal link between the error and the harm to the patient can be complex and can require intensive investigation. Common surgical errors include:
- Anesthesia errors
- Failure of preoperative protocols
- Failure to inform the patient of foreseeable risks
- Incision errors
- Leaving surgical items inside the patient
- Performing an unnecessary procedure
- Postoperative failure to monitor
- Postoperative infections
- Wrong-side surgery
- Wrong-site surgery
- Wrong surgical procedure
To bring a successful action for surgical malpractice that leads to full compensation for the injured patient, your legal team must prove several elements. Building the case requires legal and financial resources, which Dillon Findley & Simonian, P.C. provides:
- Negligence – For the surgical team to be at fault, someone must have performed below the standard of care that a patient has the right to expect. Proof requires fact-finding and authoritative analysis of those facts. Dillon Findley & Simonian, P.C. conducts detailed investigations, interviews witnesses and examines medical records. Our knowledgeable medical malpractice lawyers consult with highly qualified experts in the field to construct a compelling argument for surgical negligence.
- Damage – A surgical error is not compensable unless it caused harm to the patient. We consult the best available medical professionals to explain in detail the link between the improper care and the harm to the patient.
- Extent of damage – A patient’s settlement or jury award should compensate for the full extent of the patient’s suffering. Surgical errors can lead to permanent disability or require multiple procedures to correct. Our attorneys have a solid record of success maximizing the potential compensation for our clients when there is any indication of long-term disability due to a medical or surgical error.
Call Our Medical Malpractice Attorneys Today
From our Anchorage office, Dillon Findley & Simonian, P.C. serves clients across Alaska. For surgical malpractice cases, our firm advances all litigation costs. You do not pay our attorney fees unless the case resolves favorably.
Call 907-519-0668 or contact us online to schedule a case consultation.