Were You Injured At A Government-Run Medical Facility?
Taking on the federal government is a difficult task. If you’ve suffered harm on a U.S. property or at the hands of a federal employee, you have options. Dillon Findley & Simonian, P.C., is an established Alaska law firm that is ready to help.
As personal injury and medical malpractice lawyers, we know the procedure for suing the federal government under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). An Alaska FTCA attorney at our firm can explain your rights and advise you on how to proceed.
If you have a case for personal injury or medical malpractice against a federal agency, we have the skill and resources to level the playing field and fight successfully for the compensation you deserve.
What Is The Federal Tort Claims Act?
The principle of sovereign immunity means that suing the government is not the same as suing a private defendant. There are more restrictions and special rules; however, there is an avenue for holding providers responsible. Congress passed the Federal Tort Claims Act in 1946 as a limited waiver of sovereign immunity, allowing injured citizens to sue for relief for most types of injuries and wrongful deaths caused by negligence.
The FTCA grants the federal court jurisdiction over such disputes, but applies the law of the state where the case takes place. Our medical malpractice attorneys are well-versed in the requirements of the FTCA and have proven successful in federal court.
Litigating Medical Malpractice Claims Under The FTCA
Alaska has many federally supported health centers run by the Health Resources and Services Administration, Indian Health Service or the Veterans Benefits Administration of the U.S. government. These facilities are designed to provide treatment for the underserved populations throughout Alaska:
- Maniilaq Health Center, Kotzebue
- Norton Sound Regional Hospital, Nome
- Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation (YKHC), Bethel
- Alaska Native Medical Center, Anchorage
- Anchorage Neighborhood Health, Anchorage
- Anchorage VA Medical Center, Anchorage
- Hospitals on Base
- Tanana Health Center/Tanana Chiefs Conference, Fairbanks
- Village Clinics
It is complicated to know if a provider or facility is covered by the FTCA. That is why you need experienced lawyers to sort out these issues.
If you have suffered from medical malpractice caused by a provider who is covered by the FTCA, you cannot sue that provider directly. That is also true of the facility. Instead, you must file your claim administratively against the U.S. government before you are allowed to file a lawsuit. Our law firm has been litigating these cases for decades. We are not intimidated by the resources that the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice dedicate to defending these claims. We’re fighting for you, and we’re determined to prevail.
Contact An Accomplished Federal Tort Claims Act Attorney
Dillon Findley & Simonian, P.C., represents injured clients throughout Alaska in FTCA claims against the U.S. government. Call our Anchorage office today at 907-519-0668 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.